Monday, August 30, 2010

The Second Amendment’s Reach

This article introduces all of the states that have extremely high crime levels, but have the right to bear arms in tact.  This right is leading to more violence in the community and it must be avoided.  This right was possibly alright in the older times, but now we have weapons that are more advanced and can kill more people at one time on the spot.  This law may possibly be the worst out of all of the laws that are allowed in the constitution because it only raises violence.  Even when it comes to the police.  You may have good cops or bad cops, but guns can be used to kill and intimidate, leaving the victim scorned physically and/or mentally.  This right should not be considered a right but some what a privilege.

1 comment:

  1. Duece--cool format for your blog! Clearly you have a grasp of the major concepts--but you need to follow the appropriate format for each of your blog posts--I also noticed you were missing a 1st Amendment post too.

    When analyzing your articles be sure to clearly explain what the article is about and make the constitutional connection (which I didn't see posted).
