Monday, August 30, 2010

Kiss Goodbye to the 4th Amendment

This article illustrates the 4th amendment and that it is the right that allows you to accuse someone of wrongdoing with evidence, therefore, only giving you the right to invade someone's privacy with a warrant.  Sense we are in war and terrorism and immigrants are America's priority in keeping the population at a minimum and keeping the country safe. We may be considered racist or stereotypes when we accuse someone who looks as though they can be an immigrant or terrorist.  This has been a situation that we try to avoid, but the stakes are too high and now, the police officers can ask for your papers on the spot if they see any sides of that person being either of those things.  Some of the signs that they are looking for are improper english and not having any idea where to find the nearby locations.  This may be unfair to those people who are being accused, but i agree with these precautions because we got to the point where we must act.  If these precautions are not taken we may get to the point where we are putting to much care in providing for everyone, including those immigrants.

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