Friday, August 20, 2010

A 'mega mosque' near Ground Zero?

This article illustrates the Mega Mosque being built near Ground Zero, where the 911 occurred, and in which was caused by Arabian Terrorists.  The public believes that this is disrespectful towards those who died during the 911 because those who are building the mosque are Arabs.  I think that we are simply over reacting over the situation.  We are criticizing all Arabs for something that a small portion of them did. Those Arabs were classified as evil by our opinion and all of the Arabs that want to build the mosque, so why are we making such a big deal out of this.  It is selfish of us to even think of taking their rights of religion away from them.  We have even had terrorists that posed as a threat and killed hundreds of their own citizens, but we failed to mention that to the public when they began to persecute those Arabs. People have a right to there religious beliefs.  What we don't have a right to do is to remove them of there religious beliefs.
I understand where the people are coming from and if they were intending on letting them build the mosque, why did it have to be one block away from where 911 was.  They may have their rights, but that is basically mocking those who died, even if it wasn't those individuals who committed the crimes.  The same people who were willing to take there own lives to just kill a small portion of individuals for no apparent reasons, came from the same background as the Arabs wanting to build the mosque.  Why were they evil and the others are here, seemingly good people, but they had the same teachings, rituals, and culture.  Can you fully trust those people, even though they were not the ones who actually committed those crimes?
This situation is extremely confusing, but we should not have the right to take away their religion, even though it may seem wrong to a certain group of people.  We are being selfish and stubborn and we just need to worry about what is happening in our community instead of what everyone else might think. This is not even negotiable, they deserve the right to there religion and we should embrace the idea and go with the flow.  

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