Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fifth Amendment: No Longer a Shield Against Government
This article is about how the fifth amendment no longer applies to the citizens of Los Angeles. If you have committed a crime, even if you were not along with the actual executer, if you have any connections with that person and the crime did not commit the actual crime then you cannot be penalized for that persons crime. The constitutional connection is that the fifth amendment was made for that specific reason but because of the different circumstances, it was changed in order to suit the different peoples opinions and different needs. The constitution was made to suit the people, so a few changes will not make any differences.
Child Support Recovery Act violates Tenth Amendment
This article is about how they are creating a Child Support recovery act to support other citizens that cannot support their children in other countries, but this also violates the Tenth Amendment in the United States Constitution. They give rights to other people that do not equally apply to the entire majority of the U.S. population. That is why this article defies the tenth amendment, but I believe that this is reasonable to some extent because certain people need different things than the majority, so if a small amount of people need something than that should not apply to the entire group of people. Doing that would be a waste of time, money, and other resources needed to complete this task. The constitution was created a long time ago, and sometimes, in my opinion, modifications should be made for the better of the community as a whole.
Bush stomps on Fourth Amendment
This article is about how George W. Bush has ended the fourth amendment under specific circumstances and and has decided that this law is reasonable when a police officer has a small suspicion about whether or not someone is ding something wrong. Whether the situation be trying to discover whether someone is an immigrant by the specific signs that they may express towards the officer. Or if a suspect of a murder may be hiding evidence or items that are needed to solve the murder, then it is reasonable for the officer to take measures of precaution in solving that murder. The constitutional connection is that the constitution states that you must have a warrant to enter someone's privacy, but this goes against the constitution, but has more precautions when it comes to privacy and the right to only have a warrant to enter someone else's privacy.
Passing the Torch Cartoon
This political cartoon describes what is happening to our legislative branch now. More specifically, our president. The two men in this image represent our former President George W. Bush and our current President Barrack Obama. President George W. Bush is our former president and is passing the torch, that is in the form the burning earth. The burning earth is a representation of how bad our economy was when President George W. Bush was in office. He is thus passing all of those problems that he himself creating towards our country to our new president. This causes problems for our curent president because he will be trying to correct the old presidents problems instead of trying to create change like he set out to complete. I believe that the U.S is in the form of the earth because not only does he have problems to correct in his own country, but he also has national problems to deal with. Such as, the war in Iraq and the issues with illegal immigrants.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Legislative Branch Cartoon by Missmahli

This cartoon represents how the legislative branch is controlled by the President of the United States (Barrack Obama) and in this image, the president is incapable of makeing a decision on something so simple as to buying a pet dog or cat from the petshop. He then calls his attourney general who supposedly gives the president opinions on questions he may have, but tells him that it is his decision and nothing wrong can come from this decision but still, knowing this, he cannot answer the question. This causes society to begin to ask questions as to if our president can really lead his country, or does he did other people to make decisions for him.
Constitutional Connection
This cartoon represents the legislative branch because the president of the United States is the head of the legislative branch and if he cannot d his job without the assistance from other subordinates, then he is not suitable to become the President and cannot handle his/her own job.
Constitutional Connection
This cartoon represents the legislative branch because the president of the United States is the head of the legislative branch and if he cannot d his job without the assistance from other subordinates, then he is not suitable to become the President and cannot handle his/her own job.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Second Amendment’s Reach
This article introduces all of the states that have extremely high crime levels, but have the right to bear arms in tact. This right is leading to more violence in the community and it must be avoided. This right was possibly alright in the older times, but now we have weapons that are more advanced and can kill more people at one time on the spot. This law may possibly be the worst out of all of the laws that are allowed in the constitution because it only raises violence. Even when it comes to the police. You may have good cops or bad cops, but guns can be used to kill and intimidate, leaving the victim scorned physically and/or mentally. This right should not be considered a right but some what a privilege.
D.C. vs. Heller Has No Effect on Federal Gun Control Laws
This article is about a court case that was trying to rule out the law that gives you the right to bear arms in D.C. The law is still legal and i think that this should vary towards different people when it comes to carrying weaponry that risks the lives of certain people. I believe that if at any point in time your life may still be threatened by people who the police are unable to protect you from. I would disagree if that person had a criminal record and that each person should have a limited amount of bullets. As well as any other weapon that was in store for the people. This article introduces how people take this right to the extreme, with using shotgun and pistols with lots of ammo. They should not allow them to have this amount of weaponry for one individual.
States prepare to combat stimulus strings
This article introduces the tenth amendment and how the Oklahoma state Senator Randy Brogdon plans in the future to erase these rights from the people because they are not using the amendment to their advantage. They are using it senselessly and irresponsibly, so he intends to step in and figure out a solution for this problem. I disagree fully with his decisions to do this because people deserve their rights and individuality because it defines who you are. Without these rights there is no civilization, only a world full of puppets and the puppeteer. He should try another way to get around this problem because it seems to me that he is taking the easy way out. Meaning that he doesn't really know what he is doing, which implies him not being voted to be in office this up coming election.
Abuse of Authority
This article shows that government is taking things into there own hands. Such as they recently were allowed to send out national security letters to people and organizations that may be putting the society in jeopardy. National security letters are used to obtain information such as credit and financial data and telephone or e-mail subscriber records imformation. They can use this information to understand the companies income and expenses, to take out that money to support those in the war. I also think that using peoples taxes to aid in war with other countries. It is the government that is involved in this war, not those soldiers. They are fighting for those who have caused that war, and those are not even there reasons for joining in the war. You will not see any rich people going into war to possibly die for a cause that they do not approve. Another source of abuse of authority in the government is when they create propaganda to lure those people into fighting for war. This is abuse of power because they give you opportunity with rewards, but lasting through it deserves more than what they offer you. The rewards only apply to those who can not afford college or need money to put food on the table. They also abuse there authority by forcing people to do what they do not want to do, like forcing people to go to war when they do not chose to and they have more important things to do in their lives.
Kiss Goodbye to the 4th Amendment
This article illustrates the 4th amendment and that it is the right that allows you to accuse someone of wrongdoing with evidence, therefore, only giving you the right to invade someone's privacy with a warrant. Sense we are in war and terrorism and immigrants are America's priority in keeping the population at a minimum and keeping the country safe. We may be considered racist or stereotypes when we accuse someone who looks as though they can be an immigrant or terrorist. This has been a situation that we try to avoid, but the stakes are too high and now, the police officers can ask for your papers on the spot if they see any sides of that person being either of those things. Some of the signs that they are looking for are improper english and not having any idea where to find the nearby locations. This may be unfair to those people who are being accused, but i agree with these precautions because we got to the point where we must act. If these precautions are not taken we may get to the point where we are putting to much care in providing for everyone, including those immigrants.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A 'mega mosque' near Ground Zero?
This article illustrates the Mega Mosque being built near Ground Zero, where the 911 occurred, and in which was caused by Arabian Terrorists. The public believes that this is disrespectful towards those who died during the 911 because those who are building the mosque are Arabs. I think that we are simply over reacting over the situation. We are criticizing all Arabs for something that a small portion of them did. Those Arabs were classified as evil by our opinion and all of the Arabs that want to build the mosque, so why are we making such a big deal out of this. It is selfish of us to even think of taking their rights of religion away from them. We have even had terrorists that posed as a threat and killed hundreds of their own citizens, but we failed to mention that to the public when they began to persecute those Arabs. People have a right to there religious beliefs. What we don't have a right to do is to remove them of there religious beliefs.
I understand where the people are coming from and if they were intending on letting them build the mosque, why did it have to be one block away from where 911 was. They may have their rights, but that is basically mocking those who died, even if it wasn't those individuals who committed the crimes. The same people who were willing to take there own lives to just kill a small portion of individuals for no apparent reasons, came from the same background as the Arabs wanting to build the mosque. Why were they evil and the others are here, seemingly good people, but they had the same teachings, rituals, and culture. Can you fully trust those people, even though they were not the ones who actually committed those crimes?
This situation is extremely confusing, but we should not have the right to take away their religion, even though it may seem wrong to a certain group of people. We are being selfish and stubborn and we just need to worry about what is happening in our community instead of what everyone else might think. This is not even negotiable, they deserve the right to there religion and we should embrace the idea and go with the flow.
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